
  • Dimas Wahyul Muslimin Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang
  • Syaiful Bahri Institut Teknologi Dan Bisnis Asia Malang




GCG, firm size, sales growth, financial distress


This study aims to analyze the effect of GCG, company size, sales growth on financial distress. Financial distress is a situation where a company can go bankrupt because it cannot fulfill its obligations and has a small profit. The research population is banking sector entities for the period 2019 – 2020. Non-probability sampling technique using purposive sampling method with a total of 29 entities. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results show that GCG and sales growth variables have a significant effect on financial distress, meaning that management involvement and sales growth greatly affect financial distress. Company size has no effect on financial distress


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How to Cite

Muslimin, D. W., & Bahri, S. . (2022). PENGARUH GCG, UKURAN PERUSAHAAN, DAN SALES GROWTH TERHADAP FINANCIAL DISTRESS . Owner : Riset Dan Jurnal Akuntansi, 7(1), 293-301.